Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monster Month: Minecraft Edition

It's October, and that means Halloween season. This year I'll be doing something a little different: exploring the lore of the fun yet spooky global pastime, Minecraft.

Now Minecraft has always been a bit vague on its lore, but it is there if you know where to look. For example, last year a new skin pack introduced us to the Campfire Tales.

Even if it's just a skin pack, Mojang seems to be indicating that there's more to the Overworld, the Nether, and the End than even the most dedicated explorers know: worse things than the Endermen, Ghasts, and Withers. So I'm going to take some of these terrors and horrors and see if I can shed some light on them.

This site started as a blog about aliens, so let's kick things off by talking aliens!

Part I: Invaders from the Void

We all know the Villagers. They're a gentle, friendly people, making a living in their small settlements. They'd never hurt anybody, even in self-defense; that's what the Iron Golems are for.

Of course, they're not all like that. Most know of the outcasts, the "Illagers". Witches and Evokers, ax-wielding Vindicators, and the crafty Illusioners. Though by and large they live a simple life, the Villagers hide a great potential for good or ill.

Rumors tell of a huge city built by a clan of particularly ambitious Villagers. Instead of passing the days farming and grunting at each other, they channeled their effort into construction. They didn't need to do it; they simply wanted to.
Image result for minecraft alien invasion addon
But the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and despite keeping the city streets well lit at night to ward off threats, the Villagers were beset by a group of griefers the likes of which the Overworld had never seen before.
Image result for minecraft alien invasion addon
They came in massive flying saucers made of purple metal blocks nobody had seen before, lobbing explosives at the skyscrapers and disgorging troops: cyborg Alien Grunts with their mechanical arms outstretched like zombies, Alien Gunners with their oversized brains and plasma cannons to match, Alien Captains who could match a golem in strength, size, and endurance, and Alien Saucers patrolling the skies, bearing down on anybody who would duck their heads out of cover.
Image result for minecraft alien invasion addon
Nobody knew why, but their mission seemed clear: leave nothing left standing and nobody left alive.

Only that's not what happened. The Villagers were smart enough to know that in a city as big as theirs, there could never be enough Iron Golems to protect them. So every citizen, when they came of age, was issued a bow and trained in its use.

Suddenly the invasion was now a battle, as arrows and plasma flew through the air for days. Turns out all that alien TNT was so volatile that a single arrow in the right place could blow up an entire ship. The Aliens expected a raid on a civilian target, instead they got a strike on the equivalent of a military installation.

When it was all over, half the city was in ruins and many Villagers were gone. But the Aliens had fought to the last, and none were left. Scavenging the wreckage, the Villagers grimly buried their dead then began to rebuild.

Where did the invaders come from? Some said they originated in the Sky Dimension. Though others don't even believe it exists, and say they came from the Void around the world. Others say it doesn't matter or we'll never know. Perhaps they just don't want to ponder the answer because it's too terrifying to contemplate.

The lessons are twofold. Never prey upon the weak, because you never know what strength the weak may be hiding. And no matter how high you build, never become complacent. Always be ready to defend what you have wrought. For construction is easy, destruction is fun, but protection is hard and dull, but the most important of all.

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