Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Breaking: Enceladus Ocean Confirmed

No, I'm not going the mainstream news outlet route and overpromising. NASA themselves are reporting that the Cassini probe has found a global ocean under the icy surface of Enceladus, Saturn's sixth-largest moon.
Global Ocean on Enceladus (Artist's Rendering)
Source: NASA

Ever since Cassini's arrival at Saturn in 2004, it's seemed like Enceladus has been determined to upstage its larger, atmosphere-endowed neighbor, Titan.
Titan multi spectral overlay.jpg
It shot out cryovolcanic plumes to get our attention years ago, and now it's showed us at Titan isn't the only moon that's capable of hiding something interesting. It's telling that besides Titan, the only other moon to get a virtual tour on the Cassini website is Enceladus.
Sci-fi loves to theorize about Europa and its potential subsurface ocean, so I find it amusing that Enceladus upstaged it, being farther away and less visually varied. Despite the distance though, people are getting excited about the possibility of finding life here.

Um, not much else to say here. Finding an ocean of water on another planet is a milestone discovery. Let's be sure to keep a close eye on this world.

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